The Incident Analysis Teaching Package is a thoughtfully-designed entire package to support staff in healthcare settings to provide their own workshops on analysis of an incident, using our tried and tested approach and materials and the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. The Package leads learners to actually carry out an analysis of an incident during the workshop.
The package includes:
100 professionally-designed PowerPoint slides, divided into four modules, one for each session of the workshop
‘Scripts’ that reproduce what our experienced teachers of incident analysis would say to explain the content on each PowerPoint slide
Directions to the local teacher on when and how to interact with the learners during a workshop, including how to engage local learners in discussion and feedback about the practical work they do in the workshop
A workbook to be copied for learners, which includes a summary of key content on a systems approach to incident analysis and step-by-step practical work for learners to do an incident analysis. The workbook is easy-to-follow for learners and provides a record of what learners completed in the workshop.
Detailed guidance on how the teaching package is designed, including extensive learning objectives, and how to use it
Posters to use to locally advertise the workshop
A sample workshop programme to adapt for local use
A workshop evaluation form to adapt for local use
A certificate to give to learners for participating in the workshop
The Incident Analysis Teaching Package is provided under a licence agreement with HQQ.
Contact us for the price of the Teaching Package.

The Assessing and Managing Teaching Package is a complete package to support staff in healthcare settings to provide their own workshops on risk management, using our experience in teaching the subject to clinical staff. The Package leads learners through realistic assessments, evaluations and actions on risks in their own services.
The package includes:
70 professionally-designed PowerPoint slides, divided into four modules
‘Scripts’ that reproduce what our experienced teachers of risk management would say to explain the content on each slide
Directions to the local teacher on when and how to interact with the learners during a workshop, including how to engage learners in discussion and feedback about their own risk assessments
A workbook to be copied for learners, which includes a summary of key content on risk management and practical worksheets to guide learners through assessment, evaluation and action on risks. The workbook is easy-to-follow for learners and becomes a record of the work learners completed on risk management during the workshop.
Detailed guidance on how the teaching package is designed, including extensive learning objectives, and how to use it
Posters to use to locally advertise the workshop
A sample workshop programme to adapt for local use
A workshop evaluation form to adapt for local use
A certificate to give to learners for participating in the workshop
The Assessing and Managing Risk Teaching Package is provided under a licence agreement with HQQ.
Contact us for the price of the Teaching Package.

The Clinical Audit Teaching Package is an entire package to support staff working in healthcare settings to provide their own workshops on clinical audit, using the approach and materials we use to teach our highly successful clinical audit workshops. The Package guides a local teacher in leading learners to design a clinical audit relevant to their clinical settings and plan how to act on the findings of their clinical audits.
The package includes:
160 professionally-designed PowerPoint slides, divided into four modules, one for each session of the workshop
‘Scripts’ that reproduce what our experienced teachers of clinical audit would say to explain the content on each slide
Directions to the local teacher on when and how to interact with the learners in a workshop, including how to engage them in discussion and get feedback about the work learners do during the workshop
A workbook to be copied for learners, which includes a summary of key content on clinical audit and step-by-step guidance on designing and acting on a clinical audit. The workbook is easy-to-follow for learners and is a record of the work they completed in the workshop.
Detailed guidance on how the teaching package is designed, including extensive learning objectives, and how to use it
Posters to use to locally advertise the workshop
A sample workshop programme to adapt for local use
A workshop evaluation form to adapt for local use
A certificate to give to learners for participating in the workshop
The Clinical Audit Teaching Package is provided under a licence agreement with HQQ.

The Quality Improvement Teaching Package supports staff working in healthcare settings to provide their own workshops on quality improvement (QI), using the materials we use to teach our highly successful QI workshops. The Package guides a local teacher in leading learners to design a quality improvement project (QIP) in detail during the workshop.
The package includes:
130 professionally-designed PowerPoint slides, divided into four modules, one for each session of the workshop
‘Scripts’ that reproduce what our experienced teachers of quality improvement would say to explain the content on each slide
Directions to the local teacher on when and how to interact with the learners in a workshop, including how to engage local learners in discussion and feedback about the practical work they do on their QIPs during the workshop
A workbook to be copied for learners, which includes a summary of key content on how to carry out a QIP and step-by-step guidance on designing a QIP in detail. The workbook is easy-to-follow for learners and is valued by learners because it is a record of the work they do in the workshop.
Detailed guidance on how the teaching package is designed, including extensive learning objectives, and how to use it
Posters to use to locally advertise the workshop
A sample workshop programme to adapt for local use
A workshop evaluation form to adapt for local use
A certificate to give to learners for participating in the workshop
The Quality Improvement Teaching Package is provided under a licence agreement with HQQ.

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