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Developing a quality improvement framework publication

We develop forward-thinking, workable strategies related to healthcare quality for national Ministries of Health and individual healthcare organizations.

Large scale audits and QI projects

We design and carry out complex, sensitive and large-scale clinical audits or quality improvement projects. We also design templates for clinical audits for others to implement.

Root cause analysis of serious incidents

We carry out root cause analyses of serious adverse events or complaints, including patient deaths.

HQQ - Team facilitation of major QI projects

We work with team leaders and facilitators to complete major QI projects. We serve as mentors to leaders and facilitators working with several improvement teams.

Checklist for assessing a proposal for a QIP

We assess clinical audit and quality-related programmes and proposed projects to enhance the probability of successful outcomes.

Review of ethics issues related to clinical audit and quality improvement activities

We carry out literature reviews on subjects related to the quality or safety of patient care.

Report on job descriptions person specifications

We identify the numbers and competencies of staff needed to carry out key governance-related roles and responsibilities on behalf of a healthcare organization.

Standards for a National Clinical Audit or a Quality Improvement study

We develop standards and policies for healthcare organizations or clinical services and corporate policies on the conduct of clinical governance-related activities in a healthcare organization.

HQQ - Care of the elderly stakeholder engagement

We work proactively with key stakeholders, including patients, in designing new policies or services.


We undertake one-off consultancy projects and advise on issues related to quality improvement, clinical audit, clinical governance, patient safety and risk management.

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Following are some unsolicited comments about our services.

‘Getting feedback on my project from you is like opening the best box of chocolates ever and browsing over all the delicious offerings’

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