Who can use the Package
This e-learning package is intended for Foundation and Registrar level doctors who are expected to carry out a clinical audit as part of their training. The package is also suitable for nurses, therapists, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who want to learn on their own about doing a clinical audit.
What you get from using the Package
Doctors and other healthcare professionals in training roles are expected to work on clinical audits. They may or may not have had sufficient training about how to do a clinical audit properly as part of their professional education.
The package is arranged in four learning modules each of which is likely to take 30 to 45 minutes for a learner to complete. The modules are:
Module 1 — How clinical audit works and how to design a clinical audit
Module 2 — How to draw up measure of quality of care and prepare to collect data
Module 3 — How to review clinical audit findings and analyse shortcomings in care
Module 4 — How to plan changes in practice to improve the quality of care
Each module is a video that includes PowerPoint slides with audio voiceovers explaining each slide. There are 150 slides in total. There is a 68–page Clinical Audit Workbook that summarizes the key content and includes practical exercises for the learner to complete.
Local organizations can load the e-learning package on their internal learning platforms and provide a certificate for learners who complete the package and the exercises in the workbook which takes learners through selecting a subject for a clinical audit through planning changes in practice and repeating data collection for an audit.
Licence agreement
The Clinical Audit E-Learning Package is available to healthcare organizations under a licence agreement between Healthcare Quality Quest and your organization.
‘The workbook complements the e-learning course perfectly.’
‘This is a fantastic resource for our staff to have.’
Please contact us for more information about the Clinical Audit E-Learning Package.
Who can use the Package
The learning package is intended for clinical, clinical audit and management staff, including senior and junior clinical staff, board members, senior and service level managers, staff providing support for clinical audit, and any others interested in clinical audit.
What you get from using the Package
Clinicians and clinical audit staff are often expected to teach clinical staff how to do a clinical audit. But clinicians and facilitators don’t have the time to properly develop an effective, professional teaching package that will work time after time with clinical teams.
We have designed the Transforming Clinical Audit Data into Quality Improvements Learning Package as a tool to support clinical leads and clinical audit staff in helping clinical staff learn about analysing audit data properly to achieve improvements in the quality of care.
The package includes a binder, Transforming Clinical Audit Data into Quality Improvement, which includes guidance on how to use the Learning Package, a set of 179 PowerPoint presentations with voice-overs and a 60–page workbook for learners.
Licence agreement
The Transforming Clinical Audit Data into Quality Improvements Learning Package is available under a licence agreement between Healthcare Quality Quest and your organization.
‘I was very impressed with the quality of this educational package which I enjoyed reading (a key success!)
and which I thought covered all of the relevant areas relating to robust clinical audit.’
‘I would like to congratulate HQQ on producing such an informative and understandable document.’
‘Extremely well written.’
‘Run charts are used everywhere in NHS management – this is the
clearest explanation of their use I have seen.’