Below are links to resources we have developed on patient safety, clinical governance, clinical audit and quality improvement. The resources include information booklets and practical tools and templates that you can download and use in your organization.
We hope you will find these resources useful.
We also have provided links to other selected professional organizations that are committed to improving the quality and safety of patient care, as well as links to our social media pages.
International Society for Quality in Health Care
National Association for Quality in Health Care
American College of Medical Quality
NOTICE: All copyright, moral rights, know-how and other intellectual property rights in or relating to the resources belong to Healthcare Quality Quest Ltd. The materials are provided on this website to support healthcare organizations’ development of effective patient safety, clinical governance, clinical audit, quality improvement and related programmes. Should the materials be downloaded and used by any individual or organization in any other publication, including a document within a healthcare organization or an organization’s intranet site, an appropriate professional reference should be made to the Healthcare Quality Quest resource document. Email us for permission to reproduce any of the resources for use in another document, publication or any commercial use of the material.